vor 3 years

Sleep care as an essential part of a creative lifestyle.

If we think of self-care, images of minimalistic skincare, green and blue spirulina smoothies, and gentle yin yoga practices pop up in our minds.  Programmed by nature as our primal need, good sleep is able to heal, regulate and do wonders to our overall performance – proving again how much we underestimate the harm of its absence.
Being awake is fun! You can socialize and dance, and paint, and study and do whatever you love, yet the quality of your daily slumber determines how present you are making all those amazing things happen.
Fräulein and bett1 are diving deeper into self-care on a subconscious level of sleep, letting creatives elaborate on the sacred topic of their bedtime routine, rest, and dreams.

The Berlin-based singer, songwriter, and musical multi-talent with Polish roots Mary Komasa grew up in an artistic family; her mother was a gospel singer, her father an actor, and she learned how to play the organ, piano, cembalo, and opera singing. Her songs, written together with her husband Antek tell stories of identity, different cultures, feminism, and, last but not least, passion.

What gets you up in the morning?
Mary & Antek: Opening our eyes and seeing love – that is the moment worth abandoning your dreams for.

What gets you through the night?
As artists, we travel a lot. Journeys are exciting and amazing, but nothing can replace the feeling of sleeping in our own bed.

Dutch-born Linda Tol is one of the most sought-after digital fashion darlings, with her natural minimalist and modern look, she is a major influencer in the fashion universe. We asked her, about her bedtime routine:

What is your absolute no-go in the bedroom and what is your absolute best advice for a good sleep?
Linda: Laptop in bed (to work) is a no-go! It’s very hard to fall asleep for me when I work until late. I need a few hours to relax my mind before falling asleep. I love to take a bath and to take time for my beauty routine. (usually when Louie is asleep) so I can focus and relax. After my bath, I wear comfortable pajamas. I love to drink tea and eat dark chocolate while watching some series before going to bed.

What was the last dream you can remember?
I was dreaming about our summer holiday. Long summer nights. Days at the beach. And quality time together.

Alyssa and Gia, are best friends, models, and a successful DJ duo, living the best pulsating Berlin nightlife, inspired by the diverse art and culture and special flair of the capital city. The socialites quickly became favorites in the Instagram universe, with their authentic and spontaneous looks.

What do you do every night before going to bed? Do you have a certain routine?
Alyssa & Gia: Gua Shua, always drinking lots of nettle tea (great for detox) and listening to calming music. Sometimes red wine in case you can’t sleep at all. haha

What was the last dream you can remember?
My last dream was pretty hectic as I was running away from people into a supermarket – probably because the last weeks have been pretty busy and intense.
A couple of days later Gia had a dream of having to hide from people and also needed to escape. It’s a cute thing. We often have similar dreams because we are so in sync. Bestie things 🙂

Artist, designer, photographer, and model – Maja Weyhe´s life is defined by creativity. It’s a continual process with oneself and the surroundings. With her remarkable and individual style, always a touch “oversized” and relaxed elegance she stuns with fashion confidence and authenticity.

What do you dream about and what are you doing to make your dreams a reality?
Maja: Of everything and nothing – visualisation and working passionately.

What do you do every night before going to bed?
Do you have a certain routine? I always have the same beauty routine, taking care of my skin and I drink a glass of  still water with minerals before sleeping.

Picture courtesy of Lottermanfuentes

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